


  • 專長: 英語教學、醫護英文、實務社群、以特殊需求導向英文學習
  • 證照:護理師
  • TEL: 037-381719
  • Email: yilinglu@nuu.edu.tw




  1. Lu, Y.-L. (2020). How do nurses acquire English medical discourse ability in nursing practice? Exploring nurses’ medical discourse learning journeys and related identity construction. Nurse Education Today 85. (SSCI; IF:3.001)
  2. Lu, Y.-L. & Wu, C.-W. (2018). An integrated evaluation model of teaching and learning. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 15(3), issue 3.
  3. Lu, Y.-L. (2018). What do nurses say about their English language needs for patient care and their ESP coursework: The case of Taiwanese nurses. English for Specific Purposes 50, 116-129. (SSCI; IF: 1.6)
  4. Lu, Y.-L. (2017). Learning through engaging in retrospective reflection on a change process in an English course on workplace communication. Educational Action Research 25(3), 453-466.
  5. Lu, Y.-L. (2016). Experiences in the workplace community and the influence of community experiences on ENP courses for nursing professionals. Nurse Education Today 40, 39-44. (SSCI; IF: 2.65)


    1. Lu, Y.-L. (2017). Medical discourse and professional identity in nursing. Paper presented at the 2017 Conference of 37th Asia-Pacific Nursing and Medicare Summit. Osaka, Japan. October 20-21.
    2. Lu, Y.-L. (2014). An examination of the authenticity of English learning materials for Taiwanese nursing students. Paper presented at the 2014 Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. Tokyo, Japan. August 17-19.


    1. Lu, Y.-L. (2017). An exploration of the effect of an interactive model of reading instruction. Paper presented at the 1st NIT-NUU Bilateral Academic Conference 2017. Miaoli, Taiwan, R.O.C. September 8.


    1. 105 學年度教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新計畫 (MOE-105-2-3-030) 執行老師
    2. 106 學年度教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新計畫 (MOE-106-2-3-028) 執行老師
    3. 107 學年聯合大學南向師資成長社群老師
    4. 107-109 學年聯合大學語文中心深耕計畫教學翻轉執行老師
    5. 107-109學年度國立聯合大學語文中心深耕計畫「翻轉教學」分項計畫中心執行老師
    6. 108 學年聯合大學教師推動創新教學計劃「當實務遇上理論-以翻轉式商用英語實務教學為例 」主持人
    7. 109學年度國立聯合大學教學創新「 跨文化商務溝通」計畫執行老師