
選修 一學期 英文閱讀 選修
中級英文閱讀Intermediate English Reading
課程目標This course is designed to help students
- mprove vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency by reading, and
- use appropriate reading strategies to enhance comprehension.
- 賴世雄. (2003) 中級全民英檢全真模擬試題. 台北: 常春藤.
- 賴世雄. (2009) New TOEIC新版多益閱讀攻略各類題型破解指南. 台北: 常春藤
- Craven, M. (2009). Reading Key 2 ( New Edition). London: Macmillan Education.
- Zwier, L.J. & Zimmerman, C.B. (2007). Inside Reading 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dobiecka, K. & Wiederholt, K. (2007). Well Read 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Macgillivray, M. & Peter, T. (2009). Reading for the Real World 2. 2nd. Ed. California: Compass Publishing.
中高級英文閱讀Upper-intermediate English Reading
課程目標This course is designed to help students
- read English materials independently,
- enjoy reading texts of different genres, and
- seek challenges in reading in different fields.
- Craven, M. (2009). Reading Key 3 ( New Edition) London: Macmillan Education.
- Rubin, B. (2007). Inside Reading 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Pasternak, M. & Wrangell, E. (2007). Well Read 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press.