
選修 一學期 多益測驗分析 選修
多益聽讀測驗分析TOEIC—Listening and Reading
課程目標This course is designed to help students
- improve students’ listening and reading comprehension and skills,
- cultivate students’ vocabulary in terms of business and workplace English,
- reinforce students’ grammar understanding, and familiarize students with TOEIC tests.
- 賴世雄. (2011). NEW TOEIC新版多益情境破解攻略. 台北: 常春藤.
- Lougheed, Lin. (2012). Longman Preparation Series For The New TOEIC Test Intermediate Course, 6th Ed. Boston: Pearson Education.
- ETS台灣總區代理編輯委員會. (2010). TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.2.台北: ETS忠欣公司.
- Lin , H. (2015). New TOEIC Skills and Strategies. 台北: Live ABC.
- McKinnon, N. (2012). Taking the TOEIC 2: Skills and Strategies. California: Compass Publishing.
- Beck, J. (2013). Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 1. 台北: 東華書局.
- Beck J. (2014). Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2. 台北: 東華書局.
- Beck, J. (2015). Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 3. 台北: 東華書局.
- 賴世雄.(2009). New TOEIC新版多益閱讀攻略各類題型破解指南. 台北: 常春藤.
- 賴世雄. (2009). New TOEIC新版多益聽力攻略各類題型破解指南. 台北:常春藤.
- 賴世雄. (2010). New TOEIC新版多益文法攻略各類題型破解指南. 台北: 常春藤.
- 賴世雄. (2008). New TOEIC全面突破模擬測驗. 台北: 常春藤.
- 賴世雄. (2008). New TOEIC完全解析模擬測驗. 台北: 常春藤.
多益口說與寫作測驗分析TOEIC—Speaking and Writing
課程目標This course is designed to help students
- recognize the types of speaking and writing test,
- reinforce students’ speaking ability by reciting through group study,
- cultivate students’ writing ability by group presentation familiarize students with TOEIC test-taking strategies
- 賴世雄. (2011). NEW TOEIC新版多益情境破解攻略. 台北: 常春藤.
- Lin, L. (2006). Longman Preparation Series For The New TOEIC Test Intermediate Course, 4th Ed. Boston: Pearson Education.
- ETS台灣總區代理編輯委員會. (2011). TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide Vol.3. ETS 台北: 忠欣公司.
- Lin, H. (2007). New TOEIC Skills and Strategies. 台北: Live ABC.
- Beck, J. (2014). Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 1. 台北: 東華書局.
- Beck, J. (2014). Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 2. 台北: 東華書局.
- Beck , J. (2015). Easy Pass to the TOEIC Test 3.台北: 東華書局.
- 賴世雄. (2015). New TOEIC輕鬆取分決戰攻略. 台北: 常春藤
- 賴世雄. (2015). New TOEIC輕鬆取得黃金證書. 台北: 常春藤.