
  • 專長:英國文學:1789~1900、英語課程與教學研究、專業英語教學研究、視覺文化與視覺硏究
  • TEL:037-381720
  • Email:qyhuang@nuu.edu.tw
  • 個人網站:https://takkyubin0323.mystrikingly.com/



執行期限 : 2024/08/01 - 2025/07/31

計畫編號 : PGE1134788



執行期限 : 2022/08/01 - 2023/07/31

計畫編號 : PHA1110007



執行期限:2021/08/01 - 2022/07/31

計畫編號:MOST 110-2410-H-155-038

研究題目:談情聽畫: 聆聽十九世紀唯美主義文學中的樂聲


執行期限:2021/01/01 - 2021/12/31

計畫編號:MOST 110-2420-H-002-003-MY3 -Y11018

研究題目:邁向2030雙語國家: 小學CLIL教師之專業發展、反思與實踐



執行期限 : 2019/08/01 - 2020/07/31

計畫編號: PGE1080239

研究題目:「全球在地化」為「時尚英文」課程設計導向之教學實踐研究: 以元智大學為例 https://tpr.moe.edu.tw/achievement/plan-detail?id=402888097d6b9638017d9807758d0008

(6) 【教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫B - 共同主持人】

執行期限 : 2017/08/01 - 2018/07/31

計畫編號: MOE-105-2-3-029

研究題目: 在地文化國際化


  1. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Nov). Michael Field’s Ekphrasis in Sight and Songs (詩中有畫: 論麥可‧菲爾德《視覺與詩歌》中的藝作描述). 興大人文學報. (Accepted, to appear in 2025). (ACI; TCI-HSS).
  2. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Oct). The Portrait as a Haunting Specter in Vernon Lee’s “Oke of Okehurst” (維儂.李《幻影戀人》中的幽靈肖像). 景文學報. (Accepted, to appear in 2025).
  3. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Nov). Passions and Pain: Lucy’s Punitive Death in Dracula. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 6(4), 38-45.
  4. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Oct). The Femme Fatale in Text and Image: Analyzing Gender, Power, and Representation in Rudyard Kipling’s “The Vampire” and Philip Burne-Jones’s Painting. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies, 5(4), 32-38.
  5. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Jul). Foucauldian Concept of Discipline and Punishment in Oscar Wilde’s Salomè (從傅柯的規訓與懲罰概念來閱讀王爾德的《莎樂美》). 景文學報, 33(2), 23-33.
  6. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Jul). Modernity, Technology, and Copying. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies, 5(3), 185-190.
  7. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Jun). Whitman’s Power of Visual Representation in Leaves of Grass: A Proto-Cinematic Gaze and the Influence of Modern Technology. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 6(2), 316-329.
  8. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Mar). The Flâneur in Baudelaire and Whitman. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 6(1),143-160.
  9. Chiung-Ying Huang (2021, Sep). Aestheticism as a Discourse of Passion and Sensation: A Comparative Study of John Keats and Walter Pater (情深意重:論濟慈與佩特美學的比較文學研究). 興大人文學報, 67(1), 115-146. (ACI; TCI-HSS). MOST 110-2410-H-155-038.
  10. Chiung-Ying Huang (2020, Mar). Reading Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Aesthetic Poetry and Painting (但丁加百列羅塞蒂的美學詩歌與繪畫). 興大人文學報, 64(1), 89-116. (ACI; TCI-HSS).
  11. Chiung-Ying Huang (2018, Mar). Poetry, Painting, and Emotions: Synaesthetics in Swinburne’s “Before the Mirror” (談情說畫: 論史雲朋「鏡前」詩中的聯覺美學). 師大學報, 61(1), 41-57. (ACI; TCI-HSS).
  12. Huang, Chiung-Ying (2011, Aug). A Tale of Two Lamias: The Representation of Lamia’s Passions and Transformation in John Keats and J. W. Waterhouse. The Luminary (University of Lancaster, UK), No. 2, Aug. 2011, pp. 14-19. https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/luminary/issue2/issue2article2.htm
  13. 黃瓊瑩(202406月)。全球在地化為時尚英文課程設計導向之教學實踐研究。通識論叢27(1), 47-70。教育部:PGE1080239


  1. Huang, Chiung-Ying. Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Encyclopedia of the Gothic (ISSN: 978-1405182904). London: Blackwell. Jan, 2013: 316-317.


  1. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Jul). Integrating Glocal Insights in English Teaching: A Case Study of an “English for Fashion” Class. 2024 7th NIT-NUU Bilateral Academic Conference (2024年第七屆台日雙邊研討會), 國立聯合大學.
  2. 黃瓊瑩(202406月)。跨領域英文創意寫作與視覺藝術教學的探討與應用-以多元智能理論為基礎。2024高等教育教學實踐研究與創新研討會,中華大學。
  3. 黃瓊瑩(202405月)。「全球在地化」理論下的「時尚英文」課程設計。德明財經科技大學通識教育中心「2024(1)教育部高教深耕計畫國際視野與多元文化暨相關英語文課程短篇教學論文發表會」。
  4. Chiung-Ying Huang (2024, Apr). Modernity, Technology, and Copying. 2024暨大外文學術與實務研討會。顱外之腦:人工智慧在文學、語言以及翻譯等領域之運用及其研究.
  5. Chiung-Ying Huang (2023, Nov). Michael Field’s Ekphrastic Poetry. 國立政治大學2023文山研討會, 國立政治大學.
  6. 黃瓊瑩(202111月)。Music and Sounds in British Aesthetic Literature。國立屏東大學2021外語教育與文化研討會。科技部:110-2410-H-155-038
  7. Chiung-Ying Huang (2021, Oct). Music and Sounds in Nineteenth-Century Aesthetic Literature. International Conference on English Studies: Literature and Culture, Language and Teaching, Department of English, National Dong Hwa University. (2021年國立東華大學英美語文學系國際研討會:文學與文化,語言與教學). MOST 110-2410-H-155-038.
  8. Chiung-Ying Huang (2020, Nov). The “Second Self” in Dreams: D. G. Rossetti’s Reflections on Keats’s Endymion. 28屆中華民國英美文學年會「夢境 Dreams, 國立政治大學英國語文學系.
  9. 黃瓊瑩 (2020, Jan). 「全球在地化」為「時尚英文」課程設計導向之教學實踐研究. 通識教學跨域創新研討會(跨域多元 X 創新教學)108學年度教育部及學校補助課程計畫成果發表會, 亞東技術學院. 教育部: 108學年度教學實踐研究計畫(計畫編號: PGE1080239).
  10. Chiung-Ying Huang (2019, Nov). Teaching English for Fashion in the Context of Glocalization. 2019龍華科大英語教學研討會,會議主題: Learner-centred Language Teaching and Learning, 龍華科技大學. 教育部: 108學年度教學實踐研究計畫(計畫編號: PGE1080239).
  11. Chiung-Ying Huang (2019, Nov). Restlessly “Die into Life”: The Afterlife of Keats’s Lamia. 27屆中華民國英美文學年會「躁動 Restlessness, 國立中正大學外國語文學系.
  12. Chiung-Ying Huang (2018, Oct). The Significance of the Turn (or Volta) in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Sonnets for Pictures. 26屆中華民國英美文學年會「轉向Redirection, 國立台東大學英美語文學系.
  13. Chiung-Ying Huang (2015, Oct). Michael Field as an Aesthetic Poet. 23屆中華民國英美文學年會「秘密 Secrets, 國立成功大學外國語文學系.  
  14. Chiung-Ying Huang (2014, Nov). Poetry, Painting, and Emotions: Synaesthetics in Swinburne’s “Before the Mirror”. 22屆中華民國英美文學年會「文學與情感 Literature and Emotions, 國立政治大學英國語文學系.
  15. Huang, Chiung-Ying (2012, Jun). Watching and Being Watched: The Confrontation between Subjectification and Objectification in Waterhouse’s Lamia. Watching and Being Watched Conference, Centre for Modern Studies, University of York, UK.
  16. Huang, Chiung-Ying (2012, Mar). Illuminating Passions: Reading Female Portraits in D. G. Rossetti. The Nineteenth-Century Memory: Approaches and Appropriations Conference, Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies, Leeds Trinity University College, UK.
  17. Huang, Chiung-Ying (2010, Jun). Beyond Textual Space: Re-presenting the Femme Fatale in J. W. Waterhouse’s Painting. Fractured Images/Broken Words Conference, University of Lancaster, UK.
  18. 葉姿青、王瓊瑤、黃瓊瑩、康霞。(202005月)。導入社會活動於英文實作課程以提升英文學習動機之行動研究 (An Action Research on Introducing Social Activities into English Practice Courses to Improve English Learning Motivation)。國立雲林科技大學「2020教學創新示範學校國際研討會」- 新世代的教學實踐典範 (2020 International Conference on Universities of Innovation Teaching Demonstration),國立雲林科技大學。


  1. 黃瓊瑩(202109月)。時尚與回憶: You Wore, therefore You WereComparative Literature Association of Republic of China E-Newsletter 中華民國比較文學學會第37期學會電子報27-32頁。
  2. 黃瓊瑩(202102月)。【108年度教學實踐研究計畫成果報告通識學門績優計畫】「全球在地化為時尚英文課程設計導向之教學實踐研究: 以元智大學為例」 。執行教育部教學實踐研究計畫獲評定為108年度績優計畫 - 臺教高()字第1100015629號。 (共收到3700件,最後選出105件績優計畫,獲獎率僅2%。所執行的計畫屬通識學門,只選出13件績優計畫。)
  3. 黃瓊瑩(201901月)。從「吸血鬼文學」學英語與創意思維。English and American Literature Association E-Newsletter 中華民國英美文學學會2018年第二期學會電子報,第10-11頁。
  4. 黃瓊瑩(201807月)。我們是「邁克菲爾德」: 伊迪絲庫珀和凱瑟琳布拉德利的文學秘密 English and American Literature Association E-Newsletter 中華民國英美文學學會2018年第一期學會電子報,第22-28頁。











海軍官校應用外語系,講題:British Romantic Poetry: An Overview





講題一: Cultural Studies: Etiquette& Body Language           

講題二: Software/wear: The Building of Fashion Spaces in the Digital Age




海軍官校應外系講題: Gender and Creativity: Feminism in the  

Cultural Industries




淡江大學管理學院經濟學系(全英語授課教師社群演講),講題: Creativity in the English Class: Teaching Fashion in EMI




海軍官校應外系,講題:詩歌與情感之系列講座(): The Sounds of Poetry: Words and Music


海軍官校應外系,講題:詩歌與情感之系列講座(): The Images of Poetry: Words and Pictures


健行科技大學應用外語系,講題: 時尚英文ESP課程設計&教學實踐研究計畫撰寫與執行分享


健行科技大學通識中心【1082外語專題講座】,講題: 時尚英文           English for Fashion: From Storytelling to Storymaking


長榮大學語文教育中心,講題: Fashioning the Female Body: Clothing as Political Statement


長榮大學語文教育中心,講題: Fashion & Identity: From Subculture to High Culture


國立台東大學通識中心 107學年度第一學期多元文化語境之英文學習革新計劃】專題講座,講題: 時尚英文與文化 (Fashion English: A Guide to the English You Need to Know for the Fashion Industry)


國立玉井工商106學年度精緻餐旅職場英語體驗課程,講題: 餐旅英文


高雄立志高中大學課程體驗講座,講題: 跨文化溝通